My trip to Hawaii

The sun shone brightly the day we set sail for the country in a ship that was riddled with holes.We leave at 12 o clock Erin and I sailed down the river which led to the sea.We waved to the fair maiden leaning against the house.The man was from Scots,Irish and his family was on the ship heading to the same place as us.The exception was the boy named Jake had a office job on the ship building weapons.He wanting to help improve his skills and teach his friend Brittany.He was sent to class but the workers told him to take photographs of the weapons on board.The voyage made my day.Haley has not taken a long holiday and the sea did her lot of good.We landed during the day on the ground of the island below where the natives bury their dead.We rested for a little bit before we eventually met a family dressed in green cowboy hats and eating food.After a day journey, we caught some dirt fish in a net, and tried to get some milk from a herd of cow,but they did not like having people get close to them.At last we came to our destination,the home of Hawaii Monarch,people greeted us with a flower and a book that showed us what to do at Kahuna.Erin was very upset as her board game had been smashed when the house fell down.While her cabin was being built she had to live in a sumptuous car.When we found the treasure someone suggested we should put the anchor in the ship.We get the treasure off the ship.We were determined to put it and split the treasure between me,Erin,Haley in our purse we walk to Waipahu.That night we had cake and soup for supper.We had some candy eyes which made us all ill.

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